Dear neighbors,
Medford’s current budget process is broken, and decades of chronic underfunding of our schools, streets, and city services hurts all of us. The Medford Better Future Budget Plan breaks this vicious cycle by creating a new budget-making process that will require collaboration between the Mayor, City Council, and residents. If passed, we’ll finally be working together to fix our streets, fund our schools, and fully staff our city departments.
Passing this plan has two parts: (1) the Better Budget Charter Ballot Questions and (2) the Better Budget Ordinance.
The City Council advanced the Charter Ballot Questions to the Mayor’s desk on June 6th. Only the Mayor can say “Yes” to move these proposals forward so they can appear on the November ballot for voters to have the final say.
We are asking the Mayor to say “Yes” by June 20th so that we can vote on an underfunded FY24 city budget with the certainty that, next year, we can have a brand-new process to start making real progress on fixing our biggest problems and building the community we all deserve.
Please join us and ask the Mayor to say “Yes” by June 20th to letting the voters decide on this plan to build a better future for all of us here in Medford!
Sincerely Yours,
Kit Collins, Zac Bears, and Justin Tseng
Medford City Councilors